A. Flipping Your Hair
B. Whistling
C. Direct Eye Contact
D. Smiling
E. Humming
2. A survey in Cosmopolitan magazine said that foreplay usually last 14 to 17 minutes for the average married couple, and that the man typically reaches orgasm after ____ minutes of copulation.
A. 3
B. 6
C. 9
D. 12
E. 60
3. Superstitious ladies of the eighteenth century hung what over their beds to stave off pregnancy?
A. The Bones Of A Black Cat
B. An Amulet Filled With Calf's Liver
C. Rabbit Dung And The Hide Of A Mule
D. A Pair Of Eunuch's Testicles
E. All Of The Above
4. What is the most arousing time of the day for a man?
A. Morning
B. Afternoon
C. Early Evening
D. Late Evening
E. Midnight
5. The majority of men reach their sexual peak at age…
A. 14
B. 18
C. 25
D. 30
E. 35
6. How long into life can a woman have multiple orgasms?
A. Age 45
B. Age 50-60
C. Age 60-70
D. Until The Day She Dies
E. It Depends On Who She's With
7. According to the book, "The Adonis Complex: The Secret Crisis of Male Body Obsession", the number one body part that a man is obsessed with is his…
A. Penis
B. Hair
C. Chest
D. Muscles
E. Nose
8. The best known penis in the world is probably the one belonging to John Curtis Holmes (1944-1988), whose penis when in erection measured a stunning____?
A. 10 Inches
B. 12 Inches
C. 14 Inches
D. 16 Inches
E. 18 Inches
9. The most ejaculatory orgasms ever recorded in 1 hour for a man is ____. However, although no official records exist, a man can have much more.
A. 12
B. 16
C. 20
D. 24
E. 28
10. Every year how many Americans injure themselves while trying out bizarre sexual positions?
A. 3,000
B. 5,000
C. 7,000
D. 9,000
E. 11,000